- Children and grandchildren (children of son or/and daughter) of serving and retired KVS employees
- Children and dependent grandchildren of Hon’ble Members of Parliament
The Children and grandchildren of the serving and retired employees of KVS (Kendriya Vidyalayas, Regional Offices, ZIETs and KVS (HQ) will be considered for admission at any time of the year irrespective of the class strength/year of transfer/recruitment. However, for class IX, the child has to clear the admission test (The Officials/Officers who come on deputation to KVS their wards should also be treated at par with regular KVS employees).
For grandchildren of Hon’ble Member of Parliament and PSU employees, proof of relationship of either of the child’s parents with the Hon’ble Member of Parliament or PSU employees would be needed.
For grandchildren of KVS employee a proof of relationship of either of the child’s parent with the KVS employee (serving or retired) would be required
Children and grandchildren of employees of the Project Sector/Institutes of Higher Learning which are the sponsors of the Vidyalaya, Children of Project employees & Post Graduate students who are working on long term research projects, Children of regular Council of Wardens (COW) employees and children and grandchildren of retired employees.
Note: Preference in Admission will be given to children of serving employees, grandchildren of serving employees and children and grandchildren of retired employees in that order.
Can grand children of ex coal mine employees get preference in KV school admission