JCM Meeting of KVS – Child Care Leave
In JCM Meeting of KVS held on 22.8.2017, the discussion and decision on the subject of Chid Care Leave to KV Staff
Agenda Point:
CHILD CARE LEAVE & Vacation Salary
The Govt has introduced “CHILD CARE LEAVE” in the pattern of Maternity leave to encourage women employees to continue with their jobs alongwith their prime duty of Child rearing since, their representation in Govt. Jobs are still meager.
No department should unnecessarily frame any overriding conditions dissuading the women employees to forgo their Jobs at their time of child rearing. In fact Maternity Leave and Child Care Leave are identical in nature and granted for the same purpose and objectives. Hence, both leaves are at par with each other. It is acceptable that no women employees should sit on Child Care Leave without prior sanction of the same but it is not proper to withhold their vacation salary on the grounds of availing Child Care Leave during the year. “There IS no such overriding condition in any other Center Govt. establishment / Departments. ” Hence, said overriding condition must be amended instantly
Comments of KVS / ATR:
Instructions were again issued on 21.08.2017. Since KVS has not put any over-riding conditions, the matter discussed and dropped.
Decision taken in JCM meeting held on 22.08.2017:
1. CHILD CARE LEAVE Discussed and dropped.
2. VACATION PAY The Chairperson directed the KVS to examine the matter on file and submit the same for perusal of the Chairperson. Action by: JC (Pers.)
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