Kendriya Vidyalaya No 3 AFS Baroda Admission and Other Important Details
Kendriya Vidyalaya No 3 AFS Baroda Official Website Address with link | Admission, Selection and Waiting List | Fee Structure of all classes | Latest Holiday List and Syllabus 2020-21
As per the notification issued by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan on 17.7.2020 (Click to view the notification), KV No 3 AFS Baroda Ganjam Admission for class 1 and above will start from 20.7.2020 (Monday). The online registration through the specific website of htttps:// and via the mobile app also.
- KVS Class 1 Admission Portal Link: Click Here
- KVS Mobile App Download Link: Click Here
KVS No 3 AFS Baroda Official Website Link
After completion of registration for admission in KV No 3 AFS Baroda through the official website of KVS, students and parents are advised to go to the website of KV No 3 AFS Baroda for further updates. The link of the KV No 3 AFS Baroda website is given below:
KV No 3 AFS Baroda Admission for Class 1 Time and Date 2020-21
- Registration starts on for Class 1: 20.7.2020 (Monday) at 10.00 am
- Registration ends on for Class 1: 07.8.2020 (Friday) at 07.00 pm
KV No 3 AFS Baroda Admission List 2020-21
After the successful registration in the KVS portal for class 1, the detailed list of candidates will be sent to the concerned kv school. The KV No 3 AFS Baroda management will display the successfully registered list of candidates on their official website and also on the notice board.
Kendriya Vidyalaya No 3 AFS Baroda Selection List Publishing Date 2020-21
The provisional selection and waiting list of registered candidates will be published in the below manner:
- Service Priority (Category I and II)
- Shortfall Reservation Quota
1st Selection List: The KVS No 3 AFS Baroda principal will publish the provisional selection and waitlist of registration candidates on 11.8.2020 (Tuesday)
2nd Selection List: If seats remain vacant, the second list will be published on 24.8.2020 (Monday)
3rd Selection List: If seats remain vacant, the second list will be published on 26.8.2020 (Wednesday)
Kendriya Vidyalaya No 3 AFS Baroda Provisional Selection List 2020-21
- The KV No 3 AFS Baroda management will declare the provisional select list of candidates as per the priority service category for unreserved seats if any (keeping the leftover reserved seats blocked) as per the KVS guidelines 2020-21 from 27th to 29th August 2020 (3 Days).
KVS No 3 AFS Baroda 2nd Notification 2020-21
Extended date for Second Notification for offline registrations for admissions to be made under RTE Provisions, SC/ST and OBC(NCL) if
sufficient applications not received in online mode.
- Notification on 31.08.2020 (Monday)
- Registration from 31.08.2020(Monday) to 05.09.2020 (Saturday)
- Display of list and Admissions 07.09.2020 (Monday) to 11.09.2020 (Friday)
KVS No 3 AFS Baroda Registration for Class 2 and above 2020-21
Registration for Class-II onwards (except Class XI)- Subject in offline mode to availability of vacancies in a particular class.
- Registration: 20.07.2020 (Monday) to 25.07.2020 (Saturday)
- Declaration: 29.07.2020 at 4:00 PM (Wednesday)
- Admission: 30.07.2020 (Thursday) to 07.08.2020 (Friday)
KVS No 3 AFS Baroda Admission for Class 11 2020-21
For KV students: Registration for admission in class XI.
- Within a week of the declaration of class X results
KV students: Display of admission list & admissions for Class-XI.
- Within two weeks of the declaration of class X results.
Non-KV students: Registration, display of admission list & admissions in class XI (Subject to availability of vacancies)
- After the admissions of KVS students in class X
KV No 3 AFS Baroda Last date of admission for all classes including XI
- 15/09/2020 (Tuesday) (tentative, depending on the declaration of class X result)
- Click to view in detail
KVS No 3 AFS Baroda Fee Structure 2020-21
KVS School fee for monthly from class 1 to 12
- Admission Fee: Rs. 25
- Re-Admission Fee: Rs. 100
- Tuition Fee Class IX & X (Boys): Rs. 200
- Tuition Fee Class XI & XII Commerce and Humanities (Boys): Rs. 300
- Tuition Fee Class XI & XII Science (Boys): Rs.400
- Computer Fund Class III onwards wherever Computer Education is being imparted: Rs. 100
- Computer Fund Computer Science Fee. (for elective subjects) + 2 stage: Rs. 150
- Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi [VVN for Class 1 to 12]: Rs. 500
- Click to view in detail
Kendriya Vidyalaya No 3 AFS Baroda Holiday List 2020-21
Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 AFS Jamnagar published the vacation table for students
Click to view in a detailed list of Vacation and Breaks 2019-2020
kindly tell me when will the admission start for standard 1st
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has not yet released the official schedule for admission for class 1 for the academic year 2022-23. The date of commencing the registration for class 1 has been mentioned (28th February 2022) on the KVS admission portal. But, wait for some time to publish the official notification on this subject!