KV No.1 A.F.S-Bhuj – Documents required at the time of admission in class I
Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1
Air Force Station, Bhuj.
Date 26/03/2019
Admission for Class-1 (2019-20)
Parents of the shortlisted candidates are requested to contact the vidyalaya in person along with their wards from 28/03/2019 to 08/04/2019 between 9 AM to 12 noon on all working days.
Documents Required at the time of admission
1)For Class I, certificate of proof age in the form of a birth certificate issued by the authority competent to register births.
This will include certificates from Notified Area Council / Municipality /Municipal Coporation extract about the date of birth from records of Village Panchayat, Millitary Hospital and service records of Defence personnel or Affidavit. For other classes, the date of birth recorded in the transfer certificate issued by a school recognized by the State Education Department would be accepted. The original certificate of date of birth will be returned to the parent after verification.
2) For grandchildren of KVS employee a proof of relationship would be required.
3) A certificate that the child belongs to the scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe /EWS/OBC(Non –Creamy Layer)/BPL/Disabled, wherever applicable. Issued by the competent authority in concerned State Government/Union Government. The Certificate in respect of either of the parents may be accepted initially for the purpose of admission for the child. However, the certificate in respect of the child has to be submitted within a period of 3 months from the date of admission.
4) A certificate from the civil surgeon/rehabilitation centre or any other competent authority defined by the Government of India O.M. No. 36035/5/88/Estt.(sct) dated 4.5.1999 certifying the child to be handicapped, wherever applicable.
5) A service certificate showing the number of transfer during the preceding 7 years duly signed and stamped by the head of office bearing the name, designation and other relevant particulars in block letters.
6) A certificate of retirnment for uniformed Defence employes (if applicable)
7) Proof of Residence (Ration Crd, Adhaar Card, Electricity Bill or any other legal Document)
8) Original Affidavit from 1st Class Judicial Magistrate pertaining to SINGLE GIRL CHILD (if not already submitted during Regidtration).
9) Blood Group (Test Report)
10) Aadhar Card or any other documents as required by Admission Committee at the time od admission.
11) The parents are requested to produce original documents at the time of admission for verification and a set of Xerox copy for submission
-By Order
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