KVS Uniform Design Photos for Girl Students
KVS Uniform 2021 – No Change in Uniform for all Classes
There will be no change in Uniform for all classes including Class 1 in Kendriya Vidyalaya in the academic year 2021-22. [Click to read more]
New Kendriya Vidyalaya School Uniform Design Photos PDF Download
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18 Institutional Area,
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi – 110016
F-11029/27/2011/ KV5(Hq)(Acad.)
Dated: 03-07-2012
The Deputy Commissioner,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
All Regions and
All ZIETs.
KV Moscow, Kathmandu, Tehran
Sub: Adoption of New School Uniform design in Kendriya Vidyalayas from the academic session 2012-13- reg.
1. It is a matter of great pride that the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has emerged over the years as a pace setter in the field of school education catering to the needs of about 10.7 lakh boys and girls studying in various classes from classes I-XII across the country and abroad.
2. KVS is completing 50 years of its glorious existence and on the eve of its golden jubilee, KVS would like to introduce its new uniform pattern for the KV students from the academic session 2012-13.
3. The present uniform design has been in vogue since the very inception of KVS in 1963. With the view to remain contemporary and to provide a unique identity to its students, all the same, keeping the comfort, the cost and the availability factors, the new uniform has been designed in collaboration with NIFT, New Delhi. The Board of Governors in their 92nd meeting held on 18th May 2012 has approved of the adoption of a new uniform design for the KVS.
The details of the new uniform Pattern are attached as Annexure-I.
4. It is informed that the photo album of the new uniform design and the swatch file is enclosed for your reference. Further the proto-type of uniforms is also available on the KVS website (www.kvsangathan.nic.in). You may give wide publicity to this matter and inform the parents, students and all other stakeholders orally and in writing. Ample time and guidance may be provided to the parents for getting the uniforms ready.
5. As informed vide circular No.11029/27/2011 KVS(Hq)(Acad.) dt. March 1, 2012, the old and new uniforms may continue to be used simultaneously during the transition period for II to XI. The old ones may be weaned out of use gradually over a period of 2 years i.e. by July 2014. The parents of class I students may be instructed to get the uniform stitched for their wards as per the new uniform design. Students of class XII shall continue with the existing uniform if they so desire as they will be passing out at the end of this academic year.
6. Consequent to the implementation of the new uniform policy, Article 92 (C) of Education (2006 edition) stands amended.
This circular may be widely disseminated amongst all concerned.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. Dinesh Kumar)
Addl. Commissioner (Acad.)
KV Uniform For Girls

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