Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission 2021-22 Class 1 begins! Here’s the official link for registration
The official notification is expected to publish for class 1 admission of all KV schools in India on 1st March 2021 by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS).
KVS Class 1 Registration Portal 2021
Last year KVS was created exclusively and launched a new online registration portal for class 1 admission from a single-window system of all Kendriya Vidyalayas. The portal is still alive. The online registration for the current academic year 2021-22 may also continue for the same website, and the link isĀ Parents are advised to go to the portal and read all instructions to fill the application form for class 1.
New KVS School Admission Guidelines 2021
The new policy details for admission in Class 1 to Class 11 in all Kendriya Vidyalaya (Currently 1245 Schools) were published in 2020 and the same guidelines may be followed in the current academic year. Click here to read the complete admission guidelines 2020-21.
The detailed admission guidelines can be available in PDF format. You can download and read the registration and reservation detail.
KVS Class 1 Registration App
KVS has launched a Mobile Application for class 1 admission in all KVS schools in 2020-21. This year also, the KVS is expected to launch a new upgraded and modified mobile application for class 1 admission for Kendriya Vidyalayas. Parents can check the application status anywhere after submitting the form for class 1 admission.