Latest announcement from Kendriya Vidyalaya Panagarh on 20.7.2020
Kendriya Vidyalaya Panagarh has 02 (Two) vacancies in Class – II only. Interested parents may apply for the admission of their wards.
1. Any parent or the student need not come to Kendriya Vidyalaya Panagarh for the admission except in unavoidable circumstances. REGISTRATION FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY HAND.
2. Please ensure the eligibility of your ward as given in the Admission Guidelines 2020-21 and Admission Schedule available in ANNOUNCEMENTS on this website.
4. Download and fill the form completely, scan it properly and E-Mail it to (blurred or angled photos will not be accepted as we need a nice print for our record). Attach a scanned copy of Birth Certificate and other supporting documents.
5. Check your E-mail / SMS every day to see if any information is there from Vidyalaya and act accordingly.
6. Last date for sending your REGISTRATION FORM is 25-07-2020.
7. Check the final selection list on 29-07-2020 at 4.00 pm and follow the instructions given there.
8. For any clarification contact- Dr.R.K.Pandey, Admission I/C (from 12.00 noon to 2.00 pm) mobile no.- 9832999375
1. Candidates who have passed the Class-X board exam from the Schools other than Kendriya Vidyalaya Panagarh may apply for admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Panagarh but they may be given admission as per rules and subject to the vacancy in the applied stream i.e. Science / Commerce / Humanities of Class-XI.
2. Any parent or the student need not come to Kendriya Vidyalaya Panagarh for the admission for class-XI except in unavoidable circumstances. REGISTRATION /OPTION FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY HAND.
3. Please check your eligibility for the Stream ( for Science-60% & above; for Commerce 55% & above and for Arts-All successful students of KV) as given in the Admission Guidelines 2020-21 available on the same website.
4. Concession will be granted to students for admission who participated in Games & Sports meet/Scouting & Guiding and SC/ST/OBC/ Divyang (PH) as per the rules given in the Admission Guidelines 2020-21 available on the same website. (Attach scanned copy of the certificate)
5. REGISTRATION FORM (4 pages) and OPTION FORM for Opting Stream and Subjects are given below.
6. Fill the form completely put signatures, scan it properly and E-Mail it to (blurred or angled photos will not be accepted as we need a nice print for our record).
7. Check your E-mail / SMS every day to see if any information is there from Vidyalaya and act accordingly.
8. Last date for sending your OPTION / REGISTRATION FORM is 31-07-2020.
9. Check the final selection list on 05-08-2020 and follow the instructions given there.
10. For any clarification contact- Dr.R.K.Pandey, Admission I/C (preferably between 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm) mob no.- 9832999375.
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