Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 1 Admission Notice 2022-23 PDF Download
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)
New Delhi
Admission Notice: 2022-23
Online Registration for Admission to Class I in Kendriya Vidyalayas for the Academic Year 2022-23 will commence at 10:00 am on 28.02.2022 and will close at 07:00 pm on 21.03.2022. The Admission details are available in website and Android Mobile App. Minimum age for admission in class-I will be 6 years as per NEP 2020.
The official Android Mobile App for KVS Online Admission for Class I for the Academic Year 2022-23 and instructions for downloading and installing the App will be available at The app will be available at the above URL and also at the Google Play Store. Parents are requested to go through the instructions for using the portal and mobile app carefully before using them.
For Class XI, Registration forms may be downloaded from Vidyalaya Website as per the schedule for admission 2022-23 available on KVS (HQ) Website (
Reckoning of age for all Classes shall be as on 31.03.2022. Reservation of seats will be as per KVS Admission Guideline available on the Website (
Under present situation of COVID -19, the directions issued by Competent Authority (Central/State/Local) are to be followed. Accordingly, the parents are requested not to visit Kendriya Vidyalayas physically and avoid gathering. All information regarding Admission, Registration form will be available on Vidyalaya/KVS (HQ) website under common document for download.
For class II and above, kindly fill the Registration form, Scan it and sent it to concerned KV through email only.
Contact Principal/Admission In-charge only when called in the given time slot.
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we have Interest of joining my child this school