KV School Admission 2017-18
Online Registration Instructions
A. General Instructions
Parents should be aware of KVS admission guidelines and shall abide by KVS rules and regulations.
1. If any parent submits wrong information, the application for admission of his / her ward will be rejected and if required legal action may be initiated against him / her.
2. Parent shall fulfill all the desired conditions and possess all relevant documents to support his / her statements.
3. He / she shall fill up only one form in one school in a shift however can apply in other KVs or second shift of the same KV.
4. In case a parent applied for more than one child or applies for different KV & Shift for the same child, the following information, should be same:
Name of child
Parents names
Date of birth
E-mail id
Mobile no.
Residence address
5. Multiple applications will be automatically cancelled by competent authority.
6. KVS provides the option of filling up the form again only if the previous submission is cancelled however the option edit will be available till the last date of registration.
7. Instructions for filling up the form and all other relevant information is available on the Vidyalaya website.
8. Parent must keep a hard copy (Printout of submitted registration form) , acknowledgement of the filled up form with him / her and will submit the same along with all required documents at the time of admission if shortlisted.
9. Parent must give a valid e-mail id for correspondence.
10. For detail admission guideline login to website http://www.kvsangathan.nic.in/AdmissionGuideLine.aspx.
(A) For admission in class II to VIII
Admission test shall not be conducted for admission to Class II to VIII and the admission may be granted based on Priority category system (1 to 5 or 6 as the case may be). If applications are more than the number of seats, lottery system will be followed in each category including single girl child quota (Class VI onwards).
(B) For admission in class IX
For admission to Class IX, an admission test shall be conducted and a merit list will be prepared for each category of priority separately. Admission shall be granted in the sequence of priority categories in the order of merit.
Admission test shall be conducted in the subjects: Hindi, English, Maths, Social Science and Science.
There will be only one paper of Admission test of 3 Hours duration & 100 marks comprising Hindi, English, Maths, Social Science & Science each of 20 marks.
Candidates must secure 33% marks in aggregate to qualify. Students belonging to SC/ST/Divyang category(PH) will be eligible for admission on securing 25% in aggregate.
(C) For admission in class XI (As per KVS Guidelines 2017-18)
KV Students: Admission in different streams viz Science, Commerce, Humanities of Class XI in KVs will be based on CGPA scored in class X examination as under:
Science Stream : A Minimum of 7.6 CGPA
Commerce Stream : A Minimum of 6.4 CGPA
Humanities Stream: All students of KV if declared successful in class X exam
Note:- If seats remain vacant in class XI even after admitting the children of KV/ neighbouring KVs, then the admissions to non – KV children may be granted on the same criteria in the sequence of categories of priority.
However, there could be instances of lower enrolment in Class XI in some KVs, especially those located in hard stations and remote areas after applying the above criteria for admission. In such an eventuality, Principal of the KV concerned should send the proposal of lowering the eligibility criteria for various streams along with the details of registration, No. of eligible students, etc. to the Deputy Commissioner of the region. The Deputy Commissioner may use her/his discretion in lowering the eligibility criteria to the extent as indicated below:-
Science Stream: A Minimum of 6.4 CGPA
Commerce Stream: A Minimum of 6.0 CGPA
Humanities Stream: All students of KV if declared successful in Class X exam.
Note:-If seats remain vacant in class XI even after admitting the children of KV/ neighbouring KVs then the admissions to non – KV children may be granted on the same criteria, in the sequence of categories of priority.
Concessions wherever applicable shall be incorporated while preparing the Merit List.
In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal CGPA, the inter-se merit of such candidates may be determined as follows:
Candidates obtaining higher grade points in Maths will get precedence in admission.
If two or more candidates have got the same grade points in Maths, then the candidates securing higher grades in Maths and Science taken together will get precedence over the others.
In case of a tie between two or more candidates obtaining same grade points in maths and science taken together, the student older in age as per the D.O.B will be given precedence over the other.
Principal may admit children to class XI only up to the permitted class strength.
A student who was earlier not found eligible for admission to a particular stream may be allowed fresh admission to a particular stream in class XI in the next academic session, if he/she improves his/her performance within one year from the same Board.
Note: Informatics Practices as an elective subject is offered to all streams. Admission to this would be granted as per the combined merit list.
Computer Science / Bio-Technology, wherever available as an elective subject, is to be offered to students of Science Stream and admission would be granted as per combined merit list. Multi-media & Web-Designing Technology (wherever available) as elective subject may be offered to students of all the streams (Commerce, Humanities & Science) as per combined merit list.
The following concession will be granted to students for admission who participated in Games & Sports meet/Scouting & Guiding/NCC/Adventure activities at various levels. The certificate needed for this purpose can be of any of the preceding years.
Sports &
Games |
Guiding |
Activities |
Concession for
admission to Science/ commerce stream of marks/Grade Points |
Participation at SGFI or equivalent level.
‘A’ certificate and participation in Republic/PM Rally
RashtrapatiPuraskar award certificate
0.8 points in CGPA
Participation at KVS National/ State level
‘A’ certificate and best Cadet in Distt/State level
RajyaPuruskar award certificate with 07 proficiency
badges. |
0.6 points in CGPA
Participation at KVS Regional/ District Level
‘A’ certificate
TritiyaSopan certificate with 05 proficiency badges
Participation in at
least one 10-days adventure activity |
0.2 points in CGPA
Students belonging to SC/ST/Divyang(PH) would be given up-gradation in CGPA by 0.4 for the purpose of admission to class XI Science/Commerce Stream.
Maximum concession under Sports/Games/NCC/Scout/Guide/Adventure will not exceed 0.8 points in CGPA .In case of eligibility for more than one concession under different categories as mentioned at (a) and (b) above, only one concession having maximum advantage to the candidate will be allowed (The same benefit may be extended to non-KV Students for fresh admission in KVs. Method of Calculating CGPA for those students who have only marks in their mark sheet without CGPA:
Find the grade point as given in the following table as per the marks of the subject. Add the grade points of all the five subjects and divide by the number of subjects (i.e. 5).
Scholastic Areas Grading on 9 – Point Scale)
Marks Range
Grade Point
11. General and specific instructions are available with download and print option on respective Vidyalaya website. Parent may avail the option, however for submission of application, Apply Online from the website https://darpan.kvs.gov.in (other than special provisions).
12. Mere registration will not confer a right to admission.
13. For applications under ‘Special Provisions *Single girl child, KVS ward etc.’ parents have to register offline for over & above status at the concerned Vidyalaya. You may contact the concerned principal directly.They should apply online also to be considered with other candidates.
B. Instructions to fill the form:
1. Name: should be written in capital letters (Case Sensitive).
2. Gender: Please select appropriate field Male/Female/Transgender.
3. Category: Gen/SC/ST/OBC- Select appropriate field.
4. Differently abled: If it is applicable, then select appropriate field and fill required details.
5. Date of Birth: Please enter as per birth certificate of your ward issued by competent authority. For admissions to class XI, please enter as per Class X Passing Certificate issued by board.
Age as on : Kindly note that the minimum age for class I will be 5 years and maximum 7 years as on 31 .3 .2017, with a 2 year relaxation in upper age limit of PH candidates. Child born on 1st April will also be eligible for admission to Class I. For class II &b above class age eligibility criteria is as per table below:
Minimum age (both PH and Non-PH candidates)
Maximum age (Non-PH candidates)
Maximum age (PH candidates)
6. EWS: If Yes, enter details of certificate issued by competent authority (Govt) (Not applicable for Class XI admissions)
BPL: If Yes, enter details of certificate issued by competent authority (Govt) (Not applicable for Class XI admissions)
7. Blood Group: Select appropriate field.
8. a) In case of Kendriya Vidyalayas under IHL & Project sector, grand parent details are to be filled in place of father or mother, if the parent is taking benefit of grand parents’ category. Please click to see the list of such institutes
b) Single Parent:YES/NO: Select appropriate field.
9. Nationality: Select appropriate field.
10. Occupation: Please select appropriate field: Govt-Regular / Govt – contractual / Private /Others.
11. Name of Organization: Kindly write name of your organization where you are working along with other details.
12. Service Category: Choose appropriate service category from priorities in admission as per KVS Admission Guidelines.
The following priorities shall be followed in granting admissions:-
1. KendriyaVidyalayas under Civil/Defence SECTOR
Category I : Children of transferable and non-transferable central government employees and children of ex- servicemen. This will also include children of foreign national officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.
Category II : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
Category III : Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
Category IV : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
Category V : Children from any other category including the children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The Children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in case there are no Indian Nationals’ waitlisted for admission.
Note : Preference in Admission to wards will be granted based on the number of transfers of the parents in the last 7 years.
2. KendriyaVidyalayas under Public Sector Undertakings/ INSTITUTES of Higher LEARNING:
Category I :
a) Children and grandchildren of employees of the Public Sector Undertakings/Institutes of Higher learning which are the sponsors of the Vidyalaya.
b) Children of project employees & Post Graduate students who are working on long term research projects.
c) Children of regular Council of Wardens (COW) employees.
d) Children and Grand Children of retired employees to be included in category I for the purpose of admission.
e) Children of employees of Institutes of Higher learning who had to discontinue school to accompany parents going out of station on sabbatical leave/long leave, over and above the class strength.
Category II : Children of transferable and non-transferable central government employees and children of ex- servicemen. This will also include children of foreign national officials, who come on deputation or transfer to India on invitation by Govt. of India.
Category III : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
Category IV : Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
Category V : Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
Category VI : Children from any other category including the children of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or for any personal reasons. The Children of Foreign Nationals would be considered only in case there are no Indian Nationals’ waitlisted for admission.
13. Residential Address: Please furnish the residential address details including pin code.
14. Telephone No: Please mention landline no. with STD code, if available.
15. Mob. No: Please enter 10 digit mobile no.(Mandatory Any one Telephone/Mobile)
16. Official Address: Please furnish official address as per details including pin code.
17. Email: Please provide. (Mandatory).
18. No of Transfers: An employee would be treated as transferred only if he/she has been transferred by the competent authority from one place/urban agglomeration to another place/urban agglomeration which is at a distance of at least 20 kms and minimum period of stay at a place should be six months.
19. Admission under RTE: (RTE section is applicable only for class I)
If admission under RTE is sought then fill ‘Whether seeking admission under RTE’. If ‘Yes’ is selected, the application will be considered under RTE. Although for shortlisting following distance criteria will be applicable: Since KendriyaVidyalayas are located at places with varied density of population, they have been categorised as follows for determining the limits of neighbourhood:-
Major cities and Urban area (All District Hqrs. & Metros) – 5 kms. radius
Places and areas other than included in 1 above.- 8 kms radius
Note :
Proof of residence shall have to be produced by all applicants. However admission cannot be denied due to non-submission of Proof of residence.
A self-declaration in writing from the parent about distance may also be accepted to this effect.
The RTE shortlisting will be automatically processed based on the school selected for admission and distance entered
20. Aadhar No of child – Fill if available.
21. Single girl child: Single girl children in class I and from class VI onwards subject to a maximum of two per section in class I and two per class in class VI and onwards. It includes twin girl children also.
In case of twin girls, it will be treated as one admission.
While drawing the lot, name of both girls(twin) should be written on a single slip
In case of single girl child (including twin girl children), if number of applications are more than the number of allotted seats i.e. maximum of 02 per section in class I and 02 per class in class VI onwards , the admission should be granted on the basis of priority category. If in one category more applications are made, all such applications should be taken together and the list of selected candidates should be prepared through draw of lots.
Note : All Special Provision Cases as per KVS Admission Guidelines (Refer Part B (Special Provisions)) should apply offline along with online . Kindly contact Vidyalaya concerned directly for submission of application for registration admission of ward.
Parent must keep a hard copy (Printout of submitted registration form) , acknowledgement of the filled up form with him / her and will submit the same along with all required documents at the time of admission if shortlisted.