Chandrashtama day is an important part of Indian culture, but the word itself has always been a bit mysterious. It usually refers to the days of Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha, which happen at different times for each Rasi (moon sign) and each of their Nakshatras (specific stars). In general, people who are born on Chandrashtam are thought to have bad luck and bad things happen to them. People, however, believe that during this time, you shouldn’t start anything new or start working on long-term goals like starting a business. This is because of the superstitions that surround this time. So, many families still do these things, even though there isn’t much scientific evidence to show why Chandrashtam should be seen as bad.
Astrology is based on the twelve zodiac signs and the twenty-seven Nakshatras. The Nakshatra at the time of a person’s birth shows what their Janma Nakshatra, or ruling star, is. Each star has a guardian angel that people believe will bring them luck and success if they pray to them. Here is a list of the lunar days for 12 Rasi and 27 Nakshatras in 2023.
Ashwini Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Ashwini Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 16.01.2023 | 17.01.2023 |
February | 12.02.2023 | 13.02.2023 |
March | 12.03.2023 | 12.03.2023 |
April | 08.04.2023 | 09.04.2023 |
May | 06.05.2023 | 07.05.2023 |
June | 02.06.2023 | 02.06.2023 |
June | 30.06.2023 | 30.06.2023 |
July | 01.07.2023 | 01.07.2023 |
July | 26.07.2023 | 27.07.2023 |
August | 23.08.2023 | 23.08.2023 |
September | 19.09.2023 | 20.09.2023 |
October | 16.10.2023 | 17.10.2023 |
November | 13.11.2023 | 13.11.2023 |
December | 10.12.2023 | 11.12.2023 |
Bharani Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Bharani Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 17.01.2023 | 18.01.2023 |
February | 13.02.2023 | 14.02.2023 |
March | 13.03.2023 | 13.03.2023 |
April | 09.04.2023 | 10.04.2023 |
May | 07.05.2023 | 08.05.2023 |
June | 03.06.2023 | 03.06.2023 |
July | 01.07.2023 | 02.07.2023 |
July | 27.07.2023 | 28.07.2023 |
August | 24.08.2023 | 24.08.2023 |
September | 20.09.2023 | 21.09.2023 |
October | 17.10.2023 | 18.10.2023 |
November | 14.11.2023 | 14.11.2023 |
December | 11.12.2023 | 12.12.2023 |
Karthigai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Karthigai Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 18.01.2023 | 19.01.2023 |
February | 14.02.2023 | 15.02.2023 |
March | 14.03.2023 | 14.03.2023 |
April | 10.04.2023 | 11.04.2023 |
May | 08.05.2023 | 09.05.2023 |
June | 04.06.2023 | 04.06.2023 |
July | 02.07.2023 | 03.07.2023 |
July | 28.07.2023 | 29.07.2023 |
August | 25.08.2023 | 25.08.2023 |
September | 21.09.2023 | 22.09.2023 |
October | 18.10.2023 | 19.10.2023 |
November | 15.11.2023 | 15.11.2023 |
December | 12.12.2023 | 13.12.2023 |
Rohini Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Rohini Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 19.01.2023 | 20.01.2023 |
February | 15.02.2023 | 16.02.2023 |
March | 15.03.2023 | 16.03.2023 |
April | 11.04.2023 | 12.04.2023 |
May | 09.05.2023 | 10.05.2023 |
June | 05.06.2023 | 05.06.2023 |
July | 03.07.2023 | 04.07.2023 |
July | 29.07.2023 | 30.07.2023 |
August | 26.08.2023 | 26.08.2023 |
September | 22.09.2023 | 23.09.2023 |
October | 19.10.2023 | 20.10.2023 |
November | 16.11.2023 | 16.11.2023 |
December | 13.12.2023 | 14.12.2023 |
Mirugasirisham Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Mirugasirisham Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 20.01.2023 | 21.01.2023 |
February | 16.02.2023 | 17.02.2023 |
March | 16.03.2023 | 17.03.2023 |
April | 12.04.2023 | 13.04.2023 |
May | 10.05.2023 | 11.05.2023 |
June | 06.06.2023 | 07.06.2023 |
July | 04.07.2023 | 04.07.2023 |
July | 30.07.2023 | 30.07.2023 |
August | 27.08.2023 | 28.08.2023 |
September | 23.09.2023 | 24.09.2023 |
October | 20.10.2023 | 21.10.2023 |
November | 17.11.2023 | 18.11.2023 |
December | 14.12.2023 | 15.12.2023 |
Thiruvathirai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Thiruvathirai Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 22.01.2023 | 22.01.2023 |
February | 17.02.2023 | 18.02.2023 |
March | 17.03.2023 | 18.03.2023 |
April | 13.04.2023 | 14.04.2023 |
May | 11.05.2023 | 12.05.2023 |
June | 07.06.2023 | 08.06.2023 |
July | 05.07.2023 | 05.07.2023 |
August | 01.08.2023 | 01.08.2023 |
August | 28.08.2023 | 29.08.2023 |
September | 24.09.2023 | 25.09.2023 |
October | 21.10.2023 | 22.10.2023 |
November | 18.11.2023 | 19.11.2023 |
December | 15.12.2023 | 16.12.2023 |
Punarpoosam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Punarpoosam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 23.01.2023 | 23.01.2023 |
February | 18.02.2023 | 19.02.2023 |
March | 18.03.2023 | 19.03.2023 |
April | 14.04.2023 | 15.04.2023 |
May | 12.05.2023 | 13.05.2023 |
June | 08.06.2023 | 09.06.2023 |
July | 06.07.2023 | 06.07.2023 |
August | 01.08.2023 | 02.08.2023 |
August | 29.08.2023 | 30.08.2023 |
September | 26.09.2023 | 26.09.2023 |
October | 22.10.2023 | 23.10.2023 |
November | 19.11.2023 | 20.11.2023 |
December | 17.12.2023 | 17.12.2023 |
Poosam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Poosam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 24.01.2023 | 24.01.2023 |
February | 19.02.2023 | 20.02.2023 |
March | 19.03.2023 | 20.03.2023 |
April | 16.04.2023 | 16.04.2023 |
May | 13.05.2023 | 14.05.2023 |
June | 09.06.2023 | 10.06.2023 |
July | 07.07.2023 | 07.07.2023 |
August | 02.08.2023 | 03.08.2023 |
August | 30.08.2023 | 31.08.2023 |
September | 27.09.2023 | 27.09.2023 |
October | 23.10.2023 | 24.10.2023 |
November | 20.11.2023 | 21.11.2023 |
December | 18.12.2023 | 18.12.2023 |
Ayilyam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Ayilyam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 25.01.2023 | 25.01.2023 |
February | 20.02.2023 | 21.02.2023 |
March | 20.03.2023 | 21.03.2023 |
April | 17.04.2023 | 18.04.2023 |
May | 14.05.2023 | 15.05.2023 |
June | 10.06.2023 | 11.06.2023 |
July | 08.07.2023 | 09.07.2023 |
August | 03.08.2023 | 04.08.2023 |
August | 31.08.2023 | 31.08.2023 |
September | 01.09.2023 | 01.09.2023 |
September | 28.09.2023 | 29.09.2023 |
October | 24.10.2023 | 25.10.2023 |
November | 21.11.2023 | 22.11.2023 |
December | 19.12.2023 | 20.12.2023 |
Magha Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Magha Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 25.01.2023 | 26.01.2023 |
February | 21.02.2023 | 22.02.2023 |
March | 21.03.2023 | 22.03.2023 |
April | 18.04.2023 | 19.04.2023 |
May | 16.05.2023 | 16.05.2023 |
June | 11.06.2023 | 12.06.2023 |
July | 09.07.2023 | 10.07.2023 |
August | 04.08.2023 | 05.08.2023 |
September | 01.09.2023 | 02.09.2023 |
September | 29.09.2023 | 30.09.2023 |
October | 25.10.2023 | 26.10.2023 |
November | 22.11.2023 | 23.11.2023 |
December | 20.12.2023 | 21.12.2023 |
Pooram Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Pooram Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 26.01.2023 | 27.01.2023 |
February | 23.02.2023 | 23.02.2023 |
March | 22.03.2023 | 23.03.2023 |
April | 19.04.2023 | 20.04.2023 |
May | 17.05.2023 | 17.05.2023 |
June | 12.06.2023 | 13.06.2023 |
July | 10.07.2023 | 11.07.2023 |
August | 06.08.2023 | 06.08.2023 |
September | 02.09.2023 | 03.09.2023 |
September | 30.09.2023 | 30.09.2023 |
October | 01.10.2023 | 01.10.2023 |
October | 27.10.2023 | 27.10.2023 |
November | 23.11.2023 | 24.11.2023 |
December | 21.12.2023 | 22.12.2023 |
Uthiram Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Uthiram Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 01.01.2023 | 01.01.2023 |
January | 27.01.2023 | 28.01.2023 |
February | 24.02.2023 | 24.02.2023 |
March | 23.03.2023 | 24.03.2023 |
April | 20.04.2023 | 21.04.2023 |
May | 18.05.2023 | 18.05.2023 |
June | 13.06.2023 | 14.06.2023 |
July | 11.07.2023 | 12.07.2023 |
August | 07.08.2023 | 07.08.2023 |
September | 03.09.2023 | 04.09.2023 |
October | 01.10.2023 | 02.10.2023 |
October | 28.10.2023 | 28.10.2023 |
November | 24.11.2023 | 25.11.2023 |
December | 22.12.2023 | 23.12.2023 |
Hasta Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Hasta Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 01.01.2023 | 02.01.2023 |
January | 28.01.2023 | 29.01.2023 |
February | 25.02.2023 | 25.02.2023 |
March | 24.03.2023 | 25.03.2023 |
April | 21.04.2023 | 22.04.2023 |
May | 19.05.2023 | 19.05.2023 |
June | 14.06.2023 | 15.06.2023 |
July | 12.07.2023 | 13.07.2023 |
August | 08.08.2023 | 08.08.2023 |
September | 04.09.2023 | 05.09.2023 |
October | 02.10.2023 | 03.10.2023 |
October | 29.10.2023 | 29.10.2023 |
November | 25.11.2023 | 26.11.2023 |
December | 23.12.2023 | 24.12.2023 |
Chithirai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Chithirai Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 02.01.2023 | 03.01.2023 |
January | 29.01.2023 | 30.01.2023 |
February | 26.02.2023 | 26.02.2023 |
March | 25.03.2023 | 26.03.2023 |
April | 22.04.2023 | 23.04.2023 |
May | 20.05.2023 | 20.05.2023 |
June | 15.06.2023 | 16.06.2023 |
July | 13.07.2023 | 14.07.2023 |
August | 09.08.2023 | 09.08.2023 |
September | 05.09.2023 | 06.09.2023 |
October | 03.10.2023 | 04.10.2023 |
October | 30.10.2023 | 30.10.2023 |
November | 26.11.2023 | 27.11.2023 |
December | 24.12.2023 | 25.12.2023 |
Swati Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Swati Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 03.01.2023 | 04.01.2023 |
January | 30.01.2023 | 30.01.2023 |
February | 27.02.2023 | 28.02.2023 |
March | 26.03.2023 | 27.03.2023 |
April | 23.04.2023 | 23.04.2023 |
May | 21.05.2023 | 21.05.2023 |
June | 16.06.2023 | 17.06.2023 |
July | 14.07.2023 | 14.07.2023 |
August | 10.08.2023 | 10.08.2023 |
September | 06.09.2023 | 07.09.2023 |
October | 04.10.2023 | 05.10.2023 |
October | 31.10.2023 | 31.10.2023 |
November | 27.11.2023 | 28.11.2023 |
December | 25.12.2023 | 26.12.2023 |
Visakha Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Visakha Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 04.01.2023 | 05.01.2023 |
January | 31.01.2023 | 31.01.2023 |
February | 28.02.2023 | 28.02.2023 |
March | 01.03.2023 | 01.03.2023 |
March | 27.03.2023 | 28.03.2023 |
April | 24.04.2023 | 24.04.2023 |
May | 22.05.2023 | 22.05.2023 |
June | 17.06.2023 | 18.06.2023 |
July | 15.07.2023 | 15.07.2023 |
August | 11.08.2023 | 11.08.2023 |
September | 07.09.2023 | 08.09.2023 |
October | 05.10.2023 | 06.10.2023 |
November | 01.11.2023 | 01.11.2023 |
November | 28.11.2023 | 29.11.2023 |
December | 26.12.2023 | 27.12.2023 |
Anusham Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Anusham Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 05.01.2023 | 06.01.2023 |
February | 01.02.2023 | 01.02.2023 |
March | 01.03.2023 | 02.03.2023 |
March | 28.03.2023 | 29.03.2023 |
April | 25.04.2023 | 25.04.2023 |
May | 22.05.2023 | 23.05.2023 |
June | 18.06.2023 | 19.06.2023 |
July | 16.07.2023 | 16.07.2023 |
August | 12.08.2023 | 13.08.2023 |
September | 08.09.2023 | 09.09.2023 |
October | 06.10.2023 | 06.10.2023 |
November | 02.11.2023 | 02.11.2023 |
November | 29.11.2023 | 30.11.2023 |
December | 27.12.2023 | 28.12.2023 |
Kettai Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Kettai Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 06.01.2023 | 06.01.2023 |
February | 02.02.2023 | 02.02.2023 |
March | 02.03.2023 | 03.03.2023 |
March | 29.03.2023 | 30.03.2023 |
April | 26.04.2023 | 26.04.2023 |
May | 23.05.2023 | 24.05.2023 |
June | 19.06.2023 | 20.06.2023 |
July | 17.07.2023 | 17.07.2023 |
August | 13.08.2023 | 14.08.2023 |
September | 09.09.2023 | 10.09.2023 |
October | 07.10.2023 | 07.10.2023 |
November | 03.11.2023 | 04.11.2023 |
November | 30.11.2023 | 30.11.2023 |
December | 01.12.2023 | 01.12.2023 |
December | 28.12.2023 | 28.12.2023 |
Moola Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Moola Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 07.01.2023 | 07.01.2023 |
February | 03.02.2023 | 03.02.2023 |
March | 03.03.2023 | 04.03.2023 |
March | 30.03.2023 | 30.03.2023 |
April | 27.04.2023 | 28.04.2023 |
May | 24.05.2023 | 25.05.2023 |
June | 20.06.2023 | 21.06.2023 |
July | 18.07.2023 | 18.07.2023 |
August | 14.08.2023 | 15.08.2023 |
September | 10.09.2023 | 11.09.2023 |
October | 08.10.2023 | 08.10.2023 |
November | 04.11.2023 | 05.11.2023 |
December | 01.12.2023 | 02.12.2023 |
December | 29.12.2023 | 29.12.2023 |
Pooradam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Pooradam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 08.01.2023 | 08.01.2023 |
February | 04.02.2023 | 05.02.2023 |
March | 04.03.2023 | 05.03.2023 |
March | 31.03.2023 | 31.03.2023 |
April | 28.04.2023 | 29.04.2023 |
May | 25.05.2023 | 26.05.2023 |
June | 21.06.2023 | 22.06.2023 |
July | 19.07.2023 | 19.07.2023 |
August | 15.08.2023 | 16.08.2023 |
September | 11.09.2023 | 12.09.2023 |
October | 09.10.2023 | 09.10.2023 |
November | 05.11.2023 | 06.11.2023 |
December | 02.12.2023 | 03.12.2023 |
December | 30.12.2023 | 30.12.2023 |
Uthradam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Uthradam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 09.01.2023 | 09.01.2023 |
February | 05.02.2023 | 06.02.2023 |
March | 05.03.2023 | 06.03.2023 |
April | 01.04.2023 | 01.04.2023 |
April | 29.04.2023 | 30.04.2023 |
May | 26.05.2023 | 27.05.2023 |
June | 23.06.2023 | 23.06.2023 |
July | 19.07.2023 | 20.07.2023 |
August | 16.08.2023 | 17.08.2023 |
September | 12.09.2023 | 12.09.2023 |
October | 10.10.2023 | 10.10.2023 |
November | 06.11.2023 | 07.11.2023 |
December | 03.12.2023 | 04.12.2023 |
December | 31.12.2023 | 31.12.2023 |
Thiruvonam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Thiruvonam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 10.01.2023 | 11.01.2023 |
February | 06.02.2023 | 07.02.2023 |
March | 06.03.2023 | 06.03.2023 |
April | 02.04.2023 | 02.04.2023 |
April | 30.04.2023 | 30.04.2023 |
May | 01.05.2023 | 01.05.2023 |
May | 27.05.2023 | 28.05.2023 |
June | 24.06.2023 | 24.06.2023 |
July | 20.07.2023 | 21.07.2023 |
August | 17.08.2023 | 18.08.2023 |
September | 13.09.2023 | 13.09.2023 |
October | 10.10.2023 | 11.10.2023 |
November | 07.11.2023 | 08.11.2023 |
December | 04.12.2023 | 04.12.2023 |
Avittam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Avittam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 11.01.2023 | 12.01.2023 |
February | 07.02.2023 | 08.02.2023 |
March | 07.03.2023 | 07.03.2023 |
April | 03.04.2023 | 04.04.2023 |
May | 01.05.2023 | 02.05.2023 |
May | 28.05.2023 | 28.05.2023 |
June | 25.06.2023 | 26.06.2023 |
July | 21.07.2023 | 22.07.2023 |
August | 18.08.2023 | 19.08.2023 |
September | 14.09.2023 | 14.09.2023 |
October | 11.10.2023 | 12.10.2023 |
November | 08.11.2023 | 09.11.2023 |
December | 05.12.2023 | 05.12.2023 |
Sathayam Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Sathayam Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 12.01.2023 | 13.01.2023 |
February | 08.02.2023 | 09.02.2023 |
March | 08.03.2023 | 08.03.2023 |
April | 04.04.2023 | 05.04.2023 |
May | 02.05.2023 | 03.05.2023 |
May | 29.05.2023 | 29.05.2023 |
June | 26.06.2023 | 27.06.2023 |
July | 22.07.2023 | 23.07.2023 |
August | 19.08.2023 | 19.08.2023 |
September | 15.09.2023 | 16.09.2023 |
October | 12.10.2023 | 13.10.2023 |
November | 09.11.2023 | 10.11.2023 |
December | 06.12.2023 | 06.12.2023 |
Pooratathi Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Pooratathi Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 13.01.2023 | 14.01.2023 |
February | 09.02.2023 | 10.02.2023 |
March | 09.03.2023 | 09.03.2023 |
April | 05.04.2023 | 06.04.2023 |
May | 03.05.2023 | 04.05.2023 |
May | 30.05.2023 | 30.05.2023 |
June | 27.06.2023 | 28.06.2023 |
July | 23.07.2023 | 24.07.2023 |
August | 20.08.2023 | 20.08.2023 |
September | 16.09.2023 | 17.09.2023 |
October | 13.10.2023 | 14.10.2023 |
November | 10.11.2023 | 10.11.2023 |
December | 07.12.2023 | 07.12.2023 |
Uthirattathi Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Uthirattathi Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 14.01.2023 | 15.01.2023 |
February | 10.02.2023 | 11.02.2023 |
March | 10.03.2023 | 10.03.2023 |
April | 06.04.2023 | 07.04.2023 |
May | 04.05.2023 | 05.05.2023 |
May | 31.05.2023 | 31.05.2023 |
June | 28.06.2023 | 29.06.2023 |
July | 24.07.2023 | 25.07.2023 |
August | 21.08.2023 | 21.08.2023 |
September | 17.09.2023 | 18.09.2023 |
October | 14.10.2023 | 15.10.2023 |
November | 11.11.2023 | 11.11.2023 |
December | 08.12.2023 | 08.12.2023 |
Revati Nakshatra Chandrashtama Dates and Time 2023. Month-wise Chandrashtama dates for Revati Nakshatra with starting and ending dates.
Month | Starting Date & Time | Ending Date & Time |
January | 15.01.2023 | 16.01.2023 |
February | 11.02.2023 | 12.02.2023 |
March | 11.03.2023 | 11.03.2023 |
April | 07.04.2023 | 08.04.2023 |
May | 05.05.2023 | 06.05.2023 |
June | 01.06.2023 | 01.06.2023 |
June | 29.06.2023 | 30.06.2023 |
July | 25.07.2023 | 26.07.2023 |
August | 22.08.2023 | 22.08.2023 |
September | 18.09.2023 | 19.09.2023 |
October | 15.10.2023 | 16.10.2023 |
November | 12.11.2023 | 12.11.2023 |
December | 09.12.2023 | 10.12.2023 |
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