What are the posts for which the SSC conducts exams and what are the required qualifications?
(i) The SSC conducts open examinations regularly for posts for which large number of vacancies exist, these are: Graduate Level [Assistant Grade, Auditors/Jr.Accountants/Upper Division Clerks, Divisional Accountants, Inspectors of Income Tax/Central Excise, Sub-Inspectors in Central Police Organisations (CRPF, BSF, CISF, ITBP and SSB) and CBI, Section Officer (Commercial) and Section officer (Audit)] and Matric Level [Stenographer Grade ‘C’, Stenographer Grade ‘D’, Lower Division Clerks].
(ii) Direct interviews are held for isolated posts, called Selection Posts, after inviting applications through advertisements, as and when such vacancies are reported to the Commission. Some of such posts are Statistical Assistant, Store Keepers, Jr/Sr. Computers, Information Assistant, etc.
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