KVS : Filling up the Posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant by promotion for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17
F.No.11 -E-3056(9)/2/2017-Estt-111
Date: 16.04.2018
SUBJECT: Filling up the Posts of Junior Secretariat Assistant by promotion for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17.
The Competent Authority has approved promotion of the following Substaff to the post of Junior Secretariat Assistant in the Pay Scale of Level 2 as per ih CPC and posted to KVS HQ/ROs as shown in column 6 against their names. They must communicate their unconditional acceptance positively by 25.04.2018 and get relieved for joining the place of posting as Junior Secretariat Assistant after availing joining time as per rules. If they fail to get relieved by 02.05.2018 this offer of promotion will automatically be treated as withdrawn and they would be debarred from getting further promotion for 01 year with attendant consequence such as seniority etc. with effect from 03.05.2018 as per KVS (HQrs.). letter No.6- 6/1999/KVS(HQ)RPS dated 4.9.08.
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