What is the age limit for class 1 admission in KV school 2024-25?
What is the age limit for class 1 admission in KV school 2024-25?: If you are wondering about the age limit for class 1 admission in KV school for the academic year 2024-25, let me provide you with the necessary information. The age limit for class 1 in all Kendriya Vidyalaya schools is fixed at 6 years. This means that if your child has completed the age of 6 years, you can apply online for class 1 in any Kendriya Vidyalaya school, of which there are more than 1200 locations across India.

Please note that, according to the mandate of NEP 2020, the entry age for Class I has been revised to 6+ years with effect from the Academic Session 2022-23. However, the maximum age limit can be relaxed by two years in the case of Differently abled children, as determined by the Principal. Additionally, this age limit also applies to admission to Class XII, provided that there has been no break in the continuous study of the student after passing Class XI.
What is the Cut-Off Date for Class-1 Admission to KVS?
What is the designated cut-off date for class-1 admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya schools? The official cut-off date for class-1 admission in all Kendriya Vidyalaya schools is 31st March 2024. However, it’s worth noting that as per the revised guidelines of KVS, the 1st of April is also considered a valid date for registration and admission into standard 1 in KVS.
What is the minimum age for class 1 admission in KV School?
Now, you might be wondering what the cut-off date is for KV school class 1 admission in 2024-25. The cut-off date for the admission process is 1.4.2024. This means that your child’s age should be completed 6 years as of 1st April 2024 to be eligible to apply for class 1 admission in the current academic year 2024-25.
It’s crucial to note that even if your child is one day short of completing 6 years, for example, if your child was born on 2nd April 2018, he or she will not be eligible to apply for class 1 admission in the current academic year 2024-25.
What is the Maximum age for class 1 admission in KV School?
Additionally, it’s important to understand that the age criteria for class 1 admission in KV schools is between 6 to 8 years. So, if your child was born on 1.4.2016, he or she will be eligible for class 1 in the academic year 2024-25.
To summarize, children born between the two dates 1.4.2016 to 1.4.2018 are eligible for class 1 admission in any KV school in the current academic year 2024-25. I hope this clarifies your query regarding the age limit and cut-off date for class 1 admission in KV school for the specified academic year.
What are the age criteria for disabled children in KVS?
In the academic year 2024-2025, the age criteria for disabled children in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) is an important concern. Specifically, for physically handicapped children, there is an extension of two years from the maximum age limit for class 1 admission in any KV school. This means that physically handicapped children between the ages of 6 years and 10 years are eligible for admission. This consideration acknowledges the unique needs and circumstances of physically handicapped children, providing them with an opportunity to join the KV school system and access quality education.
What are the dates for class 1 admission to KV School?
Birth Date | Cut-Off Date | Age | Eligibility |
02.04.2015 | 1.4.2024 | 9 Years | Not Eligible |
01.04.2016 | 1.4.2024 | 8 Years | Eligible |
01.04.2017 | 1.4.2024 | 7 Years | Eligible |
01.04.2018 | 1.4.2024 | 6 Years | Eligible |
02.04.2018 | 1.4.2024 | 5 Years | Not Eligible |
Date of birth of the child is a crucial piece of information required for registration and must be in accordance with the birth certificate issued by the competent authority. Once entered, this information cannot be altered. According to the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) admission guidelines, the child should be at least 6 years old and not more than 8 years old as of April 1, 2024, for admission to Std 1.
There is a 2-year relaxation in the upper age limit for “Differently Abled” applicants. Therefore, for the academic year 2024-2025, children seeking admission to Std 1 must have a date of birth ranging from April 1, 2016, to April 1, 2018, if they are not in the “Differently Abled” category. For children in the “Differently Abled” category, the allowed date of birth range is from April 1, 2014, to April 1, 2018. Applications falling outside these specified date ranges will not be accepted for registration.
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