Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Latest News 2020

Guidelines for Admission In Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools 2020-2021
In supersession of all the guidelines governing admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas that have been issued in the past, the following guidelines are issued to regulate admissions in the Kendriya Vidyalayas with effect from the academic session 2020-21 & onwards. These guidelines are not applicable to Kendriya Vidyalayas located abroad.
When will publish 1st selection list of KVS class 1 admission?
The class 1 online admission process is going on from 20th July 2020 through the exclusive portal of KVS. The total number of registered candidates will be more than last year. The total number of applications for class 1 is expected by more than 7 lakh in 2020-21.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Fee Structure 2020
The Central Government has opened more than 1200 schools across India and is providing very low cost (almost free) education services to all categories of children. The monthly fee for class 1 student of Kendriya Vidyalaya is Rs. 500 only. There are no hidden charges. Apart from the fees, only expenses on books and uniforms.
KV School Finder – Zone, Region & Station Code
In India, more than 1200 Kendriya Vidyalaya schools with more than 13 lakh students are organized by the Central Government. Class 1 to Class 12 with minimum fee structure and quality education by experienced teachers are the reasons that all Indian parents are seeking admission for the children in KV Schools.
List of 1230 Kendriya Vidyalaya New Website Link
Recently every Kendriya Vidyalayas in India has created its own website and launched with the new domain name. We have listed here all KV Schools’ names with their respective official website link. The admission process for the academic year 2020-21 of class 1 in all KV schools (Central School) will start soon!
KV School Online Fee Payment System Union Bank of India
KVS Fee is being collected from all students through online or offline mode of Union Bank of India only. The system of the fee paid once in three months (quarterly basis) is in effect by more than 13 lakh students of KV schools across India.
Admission in KV Schools through MP recommendations
You may approach your MP (Member of Parliament of your constituency) either in Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha for admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya with qualified merits. This is another way to get admission in KV school for your children on the recommendation of MP. If he accepts your demand, he will give a letter in a prescribed format for admission.
KV School Vacation and Summer Vacation Holiday List 2020
The Summer vacation holiday break for Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools are located in Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Mumbai and Raipur regions of the academic year 2020-21
KVS Admission 2020-21: Service Certificate Central Government
Self Declaration Distance Between School And Residence, Service Certificate Central Government, Format Service Certificate State Government.
KVS Admission 2020 – Sample Format of Affidavit for Single Girl Child
The first step of KV Class 1 Admissions, after Registration, is Selection through Draw of Lots. The lottery is held in all required Kendriya Vidyalayas on 11 August 2020. Parents are requested to not visit the school campus.
KVS Admission 2020-21: Proforma Document Sample
Are you going to apply for admission to KV Class 1?
Check all documents before you apply through the official website of Kendriya Vidyalaya.
KVS Class 1 Admission Lottery Selection RTE List – 2nd Day
In a single online platform, more than 1200 KV schools have successfully completed their registration for class 1 admission. And now, the first selection list of class 1 admission is going on! [Click to read more]